4 Things You Should Know About Profiting From Large Parcels of Land in Middletown, Dayton, or Cincinnati

There are many ways that savvy investors are profiting from large parcels of land, diversifying their portfolios and growing wealth. When considering land, the price per acre declines as the size of the parcel increases. Much like larger-size products are more economical to purchase, smaller sizes cost more for convenience. In addition, larger parcels of … Continued

5 Ways to Profit From Land in Middletown, Dayton, or Cincinnati

Investing in land is often overlooked as a way to build holdings in your real estate portfolio, especially by beginning investors who could easily purchase a smaller parcel of undeveloped land at an affordable entry cost. There are many ways investors can profit from land. When you consider all of the possibilities, this real estate … Continued

3 Ways Keynote Realtors is Different From Other Real Estate Agents in Middletown, Dayton, or Cincinnati

As more and more industries evolve, hybrid technology is rising to the forefront. As a result of increased technology and changing trends in the real estate industry, hybrid investor real estate agents have evolved. They offer an alternative sales method that combines two forces in real estate, creating powerhouses in a one-stop shop. At Keynote … Continued